We are back at the office!

On March 17, Priorité Enfants team decided to apply the home office rule, with the aim of protecting our health and that of our entourage. For the past few weeks, we have been back at the office, with the necessary precautions, and are delighted to gradually return to normality (with Plexiglas between us!).

We were confined to our homes for almost two months, but our business continued. The priority has been to respond to the requests of our customers who, like us, were left with completely new questions.

“ I employ a nanny/housekeeper? What do I need to do? What are my duties/rights? What solutions?”

Most of the questions obviously concerned existing working relationships. The domestic economy has been strongly affected by this COVID19 crisis and we have done our utmost to find answers and solutions. Finding the information was not easy, but we are proud of our performance. None of our clients have been without an answer to their e-mail or phone call. They were able to delegate legal questions, APG requests, etc… to us and concentrate on their professional activities and the well-being of their families.

At the same time, the placement of nannies has not stopped either. We put parents and candidates in contact with each other, while guiding them on the right actions to take. Of course, the first contacts were adapted to the pandemic situation, favoring video contact over face-to-face meetings. Several of these meetings ended up with a job. We sincerely thank all our clients who have placed their trust in us, for their exemplary attitude as employers.

During containment, we have also been able to recruit excellent nanny profiles and we look forward to introducing them to the families, either for short missions such as school holidays, or long missions already preparing for the start of the school year.

The Priorité Enfants team would like to thank all the clients who have confidence in our work and all the candidates who choose us as an intermediary in their search for a new position!