Declare the nanny,
the cleaning lady,
the gardener
The family will become the legal employer of the nanny, a suitable employment contract will need to be concluded, which is not always easy to achieve.
In order to meet the demands of our clients, we have created a personnel management service which totally relieves you of the administrative aspects related to the employment of personnel
Priorité Enfants will facilitate the hiring process by providing a comprehensive hiring package including :
- the work contract drafted in accordance with the terms and conditions of standard work contracts for domestic employment in force in Geneva, in the canton of Vaud,…
- information and guidance on the social security Swiss system (registration with AVS, pensions plan, insurance, and taxes),
- template of a salary slip on which to base your future salary payments
- work permit application if needed.
If the family found the nanny, the cleaning lady or the gardener themselves, the single cost for establishing the contract is CHF 400.— + VAT.
Our administrative management service includes:
- Registering the family as an employer with the various legal social insurances, in Geneva, Vaud, Fribourg, …
- Calculation and edition of each monthly salary sheet
- Managing on-the-job events
- Annual declarations, edition of certificates…
The cost of this service is CHF 100.—to CHF 150.— + VAT per month, regarding to the benefits.