This service meets the needs of families whose mother want help right out of the maternity ward. The qualified nurse will support the mother, advise and ensure the good routine of the infant. During the night missions, she will take care of the infant, allowing young parents to spend the night serenely.
An application must be completed and signed prior to the first intervention. The minimum duration of an intervention is 10 consecutive hours, for nights.
Priorité Enfants undertakes to employ its best endeavours in order to fulfil each request. However, we cannot guarantee to fulfil all requests, due to variations in the planning and the necessary ans reasonable time to reserve.
When the family is the nurse’s employer, they must comply with the labour legislation.
The client further formally undertakes not to have subsequent independent recourse to any candidate who has been previously introduced by the agency. Breach of this commitment shall render the family liable for the totality of babysitting fees foreseen pursuant to the General Terms and Conditions.

Maternity Nurse
Subscription fee for 10 nights (renewable) | Frs. 250.— + VAT |
Subscription fee for 20 nights (renewable) | Frs. 470.— + VAT |
Week 7 nights : package/week | Frs. 150.– + VAT |
Salary of the Maternity Nurse | Minimum CHF 25.–/hour |